
Chimera A hybrid creature composing of the body of a lion with the additional head of a goat and a snake (head and all)as the tail. It is the child of Typhon and Echidna and the sibling of Cerebus and the Hydra. The chimara has the ability to breathe fire. It is native to mountains of Lycia in modern-day Turkey and most specifically on Mount Chimaera which in real life is known to have constantly burning flames on its surface which are most visible at night. The chimera is usually depicted as a female though oddly enough even with it's female anatomy present, it is always potrayed with a full mane. Centaur A creature with the lower half of a full hourse with the upper half of a humanoid in place of it's head. They were usually depicted as brutal and highly aggresive although this isn't true for every centaur. Their violence only got worse if they were drunk and unlike their bipedal cousins, satyrs, centaurs were thought to pose a genuine threat to humans. Centaurs lived in wooded mountains though their location changed a bit throughout the years. A female centaur is called a centauride. Griffin A hybrid of an eagle and a lion often with pointed ear tufts and sometimes with leopard-esque spots (very rare?). The subspecies of griffin from India were described in high detail of being the size of a wolf, with the legs and claws of a lion and colorful plumage: black feathers across most of their body, red breast feathers, blue neck feathers, and white wings. Indian Griffins were also described as not being the greatest at long flight however they were able to attack in flight and gets the better lions, dragons, and tigers. Griffins lived inmountains gold deposits and were very well known for their affinity for gold which many would travel to steal. They also like to eat horses. Cyclops uncivilized one-eyed giants that were shepherds. They apparently made Zeus's iconic thunderbolt Some ancient walls in greece were said to be the work of cyclops to the point of the word "Cyclopean" meaning a wall with large irregular rocks.


Satyr A hybrid with the lower half of a horse (or goat) and a humanoid upper half. They are often potrayed as lustful to the degree that the word for a man with an obsession with sex is a satyromaniac. Along with their perverted tendencies they have been known to very frequently harass non-consenting nymphs (ick) despite their intense and excessive interest in sex they are almost never shown to be as violent as centaurs. A female satyr is called a satyress but they were created by Post-Roman artists and not in the original greek mythology as satyrs are shown to be exclussively male (however I prefer to think of them having a female counterpart).


Siren Very simular to the harpy, Sirens are human-headed birds with the difference between them being the sirens seductive voice used to lure men at sea. Writer Walter Copland Perry wrote that "Their song, though irresistibly sweet, was no less sad than sweet, and lapped both body and soul in a fatal lethargy, the forerunner of death and corruption". In later interpretations of the creature they have become more of a hybrid between a woman and a fish as opposed to with a bird (possibly to distingush it from a harpy). Strangely enough you can actually SEE the transition from bird to fish in old bestiaries where some were potrayed as woman-fish-bird hybrids! While not technically aquatic (as birds),they did live on cliffsides and rocky areas right at the seaside. Charybdis A possible offspring of Posiedon and Gaea that pissed off Zeus enough to be turned into a massive water monster. It is essentially a creature that causes whirlpools and destroys ships. Hippocampus A horse that is half fish and has fish-like features. Sometimes potrayed with webbed forelimbs in place of hooves.


Harpy Vicious winged women who were the personification of strong winds. Sometimes they were said to be beautiful and other times said to be horrific in appearance. They were strong enough to pick a grown man off of the ground and could snatch things off without a trace. In one story they stole people's food continuously. In some accounts they lived in the islands of western greece and in others they lived in the islands of Crete (nested in caves) or Thrace.


Manticore Lion bodied with a humanoid face, scorpion tail, or with a tail of poisonous spines that could be shot out at will (instantly fatal). They have been potrayed with deep red fur, three rows of teeth , and a voice that sounds like a panflute mixed with a trumpet. They lived in India and Aetheopia. Its Persian name translates to Man-eater.


Hydra A reptillian creature that was the offspring of the gorgon Echidna and Typhon. When its head was severed, two new heads would take its place. Because of this the creature became a huge problem for nearby humans and livestock. Slaying the creature was one of Herales's 12 labours. Stymphalian bird Birds created by Ares with beaks of bronze, sharp metal-like feathers, and poisonous feces. They lived in the marsh surrounding Laka Stymphalia to escape hunting by wolves. Their pressence brought destruction to nearby villages and farms. They were an obsticle for Heracles in his twelve labours.


Cerberus Three headed gaurd dog of the underworld and servant of Hades. It was originally depicted with a mane of snakes along with its heads. Cerberus was once taken out of the underworld unwillingly by Herecles and opun seeing the light of day for the first time in its life, it either threw up or foamed out toxic bile which grew into Wolf's Bane. Gorgons Gorgons are serpentine women, the most famous of which were Medusa and her sisters. The gorgons are famously depicted as having venomous snakes as locks of hair and a stone-turning gaze (the snakes themselves also share this ability).They also had wings, brazen claws, the tusks of boars, and scaly skin in some depictions.Gorgons are typically immortal (although Medusa herself wasn't). It is said that blood taken from the left side of their body is instantly fatal while blood from the right side has healing properties. Gorgons live by the entrance of the underworld.


Nymph Feminine nature spirits tied to and personifiying specific landforms and places. They wre not immortal but lived much longer than humans. I am not catorgarizing them by habitat as that would be tedious since there are MANY subtypes of nymph for many different environments. They are noted for being beautiful maidens. Sphinx A hybrid of a human, a lion, and sometimes a bird. The sphinx is featured in a number of mythology but plays a large role in greek mythology. They were very well known for their riddles (especially and individual sphinx that terrorized Thebes). The Sphinx in Thebes began killing many important people until (mother-loving) Oedipus solved her riddle and ended her cruel shenanigans. iconic. Akephaloi / Blemmyae A race of headless people with faces on their chests. They were featured widely in european folklore and were said to live by the nile river in ancient Libya and ancient "aetheopia" (Sudan / upper Nile river). A very interesting sight. Hecatoncheires The triplet children of Gaea and Uranus who had fifty heads and one hundred arms. They aided in the battle against the titans alongside Zeus. Minotaur A creature that was a cross between a man and a bull as a result of an affair between the Queen of Crete and a bull (yes, very disgusting). The resulting child was so fearsome that a labyrinth was constructed around the minotaur as ordered by King Minos. The king offered gifts of women and children for the minotaur to eat once a year. The Minotaur was slain by the hero Theseus. Pegasus The winged horse that was born from the blood of Medusa the gorgon's decapitated head (Persius's doing) and was claimed by Bellerophon and rode into a battle with the Chimera. Later Bellerophon tried to ride pegasus into the heavens but was killed and pegasus either died along with him or was lamed, either way he became a constellation and a servant of Zeus. Astomi A race of mouthless and hair covered people located in India. They had no need for eating and instead lived on the scent of food.